
Welcome to my projects page. Below you will find a brief description of my projects and a link to the Github repository for that project.

Please remember if you use any of my projects to credit me for the usage of that particular project. We as programmers work hard on our projects and we deserve credit for the work we put in.

Shark Attack Database Analysis - (Python)

This is a CLI program that will analyze shark attack data using Python, MySQL, Pandas, and PySpark. This program has CRUD functionality.

Freelance Website

My publicly hosted freelancing website. Built using Python, HTML, and CSS.

Python Game With MySQL

This is a CLI python game where the player would make decisions whether or not to pet certain animals. Those decisions and other game data(player name, age, choices made and end game health) would then be saved into a MySQL database.

Shark Attack Database Analysis - (Scala)

This is a CLI program that will analyze shark attack data using Scala, Hadoop, Spark, Hive, and MySQL. This program has CRUD functionality. The program also connects to hive and MySQL.

Decisions Of Survival Game: Entry For GameOff2021

Text based Survival Choice GUI game. Your decisions determine whether you survive or parish. Game built using Python and Tkinter. This was my first submission to a Gameoff.

Note Tracker Website

A note tracking website that was built using FLASK, HTML, CSS, and SQL. The site allows users to create an account, login, save their notes and delete their notes.

Text Based Adventure Game

A text based adventure game where based of your decisions you will either survive or perish. The path of the game is completely up to you.

Portfolio Project

This is my professional portfolio. I built it using HTML, CSS, and a little bit of JavaScript.